Need vehicle exhaust extraction solutions!? SOLPLYM can help!

Exhaust gases from vehicles are packed with the following:
       Carbon monoxide
       Sulfur dioxide and

All of these are lethal for human health, and prolonged exposure can diminish the life expectancy of workers by many years. Investing in industrial fume extraction solutions is also a great way to increase the productivity of the work floor.

On top of that, if an industrial building is unable to ensure that the working conditions within its premises are unfit for the overall health of their workforce, they might be looking at lawsuits and heavy fines. Why!? Well, they will be violating local labor laws as well as environmental mandates enforced by apex bodies.

The solution to it all is investing in industrial ventilation systems like exhaust hose reel manufactured by leading companies like SOVPLYM.

 Why choose SOVPLYM and their exhaust extraction solutions?

SOVPLYM is one of the leading fabricators and suppliers of:
       Solutions for air purification, aspiration, and de-dusting systems
       Control systems, and environmental protection solutions for smoking places
       Fume extractors used primarily in welding and cutting stations as well as other industrial and manufacturing applications.
 The company has more than five hundred employees under its payroll and is known for its global footprint. They are pioneers when it comes to creating and providing solutions for a safe and healthy workplace.

Why choose their range of exhaust extraction solutions?

SOVPLYM offers two distinct products under the category exhaust hose reel.
They are:
       ARM Reel and
       ARS Reel.
Each has its own unique features and applications. It is time to take a look into them in details in the following sections:

 ARM Reel

       SOVPLYM’s ARM reel is the ideal exhaust hose reel extraction system for bus, truck, as well as private car repair workshops. It can also be used as an industrial ventilation solution in commercial buildings that boast a high ceiling.
       It is fairly easy to use this solution since all one would need to do is click on a button, and the in-built electric motor will reel in the hose and the nozzle to the place where a person needs the same.
       If one looks at the sales numbers, then this is a top seller from the house of SOVPLYM. This product can turn the tide when it comes to ensuring the overall condition of the workplace is compliant with labor and environmental laws.
       It is also known for its impressive reach area.

ARS Reel

The ARS exhaust hose reel is an efficient and easy-to-use exhaust extraction solution that is ideal for stationary workplaces such as garages and workshops. When the system is not in active use, both the nozzle and the hose can be stored away safely, thereby enabling a clutter-free working environment.

The system comes with a durable and reliable spring mechanism that needs minimal maintenance, meaning one wouldn’t need to look at an exponential increase in overhead costs.

Furthermore, the system is also known for its easy installation where the reel can be mounted directly on a:
       A swing arm or
       The ceiling.

The best part of using ARS exhaust hose reel from the house of SOVPLYM is its flexibility. It can either operate as a single unit for a particular region in a workplace or can be hooked up with a central industrial ventilation system for better results.
For more details, feel free to visit the official website of the company


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