Mobile dust filters: An overview and benefits

Mobile dust filters are clever little devices that are designed to collect and remove dust from the ambient air of industrial environments. It is instrumental in enhancing the indoor air quality of an industrial plant and finds extensive use in other commercial environments as well.
The process of dust collection takes place in real-time. Since dust filters are mobile in nature, the pollutants from the ambient air inside an industrial environment can be removed from the source itself.

Benefits of having mobile dust filters

Mobile dust filters come with a plethora of benefits that one might find compelling. Here’s more to it:

It can help a business to retain valuable dust

Mobile dust collection devices help business and industrial plants to keep their overhead costs low by recovering high value granular/solid/powdered particles from active work zones

It can help businesses to become compliant with imposed laws

In order to stay away from lawsuits, a business operating in India needs to comply with the rules stated in the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981. An industrial plant needs to ensure that it is not polluting the air in and around its place of business or production/processing unit.

Mobile dust collectors help a business by removing granular/solid suspended particulate pollutants from the exhaust gases before the same is let out of the factory and into the atmosphere thus ensuring that the factory is not polluting the environment.

When the factory meets environmental norms, chances of the business paying hefty fines close to none thereby saving a business from downtime and even from possibilities of being shut down!


It can help a business to protect its workforce from health and safety hazards

In a factory environment, a plethora of activities take place regularly. All of them generate dust with variations in the size of the particulate matter. These variations in the size of the particles in the dust generated leads to a situation. The workspace remains polluted with reduced visibility since the fine particles remain suspended in the air while the more coarse particles settle on various surfaces.

Furthermore, the dust generated in a typical industrial environment is often dangerous for human life. Industrial dust can react with other things found lying in a typical industrial environment. It can even cause hot equipment to catch fire and trigger massive explosions.
Industrial dust has the ability:

       To reduce the productivity of a business by many folds
       Increase downtime thereby pushing a venture towards losses
       Make a business face fines from governing authorities for failure to be compliant with safety guidelines, etc.

To keep all of these nuisances at bay, investing in mobile dust filtration units is the way of the wise!


It can help a business to maintain a stellar safety record

When an industrial plant puts their money on mobile dust collection and filtration units, they are making sure that their safety record remains stellar for years to come. A mobile dust collection and filtration unit:

       Enhance the safety factor of a live workshop
       It also increases the efficiency of the same and
       Helps the mother company financially by reducing overhead costs.

For the best results, it is recommended to purchase a mobile dust filters from renowned manufacturers that have been in the business of manufacturing these devices for a while. It will ensure that the filters purchased will remain operational for a long time, thus assisting in enhancing the productivity of the venture.


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